MFAR Constructions as an organization recognizes the importance of its Corporate Social
Responsibilities, and uses such platforms to guide the common man towards a healthier lifestyle. These
forums are generally conducted by the company’s Safety representatives, in tandem with the company’s
Medical Officer and Project Managers. With these forums and workshops, MFAR intends to not only educate the people on health and safety, on-site or otherwise, but also ensures that its employees are cared for at a personal level.
An altruistic approach has always been a part of the Founder, Dr. PM Ali’s core values and he inspires a
similar outlook with every step he takes this group forward. PM Foundation is a great example of such
an initiative taken by the founder. The PMF is a philanthropic initiative based in Kerala, operating for
over 30 years with an aim to support and encourage educational excellence among students.
The CSR Committee of the Board will govern and review the CSR of the company from time to time. The CSR Committee will recommend the Annual Business Plan for CSR to the Board for its approval. The plan will include resource requirements and allocation across interventions and locations. Accordingly, the constitution of CSR Committee formed by the Company is as follows:
With a view to increase the public awareness, dangers and preventive measures for major ailments such as HIV, Dengue and Malaria, awareness camps are conducted on a regular basis at all our construction sites across India. Over 15000 mosquito nets were distributed to our workforce as a part of a Malaria Awareness Campaign in Mangalore.
-Blood donation campsA blood donation camp was organized at Bangalore during the MFAR Day celebrations in March 2005. A total of 150 persons donated blood including families of the employees. Dr P Mohamed Ali, Chairman of MFAR, was one of the donors.
A blood donation camp was organized by MFAR at Wipro Software Development Centre, Kolkata – one of its own project sites. There were about 500 persons who attended the camp and 132 donated blood, out of which 80 were staff & 52, labour.
-Safety WorkshopsThe Top Management of MFAR believes that Personal Protective Equipments (or PPEs) should be the last resort to save a person’s life on site. Therefore, MFAR has emphasised on the importance of safe practices and implemented systems in such a way that the safety practices become an integral part of the business process. National Safety day is celebrated at all our project sites with our higher management presiding over the event and talking to the workforce regarding the importance of personal safety at the workplace.
-Medical CampsA medical camp was established at DPS Bangalore during their Annual Day in December 2009. This was manned by Dr Zaffer Mumtaz, CMO MFAR. This gesture was well appreciated by the Management of the school.
-Cancer AwarenessAs a part of the CSR program, MFAR Constructions has conducted Cancer Awareness workshops for Cancer and Breast Cancer at Mangalore. In 2017, working along with the Yenepoya Group from Mangalore, MFAR organized Cancerthon, a marathon to increase awareness and raise money for the cause.
MFAR provided free supervisory assistance for the construction of a “School for the Blind”. MFAR had also assisted in the acquisition of this land from the Government and the money towards cost of construction was donated by Gaden Shartse Monastery.
-Construction of houses for flood victims at BiharAfter the devastating floods of 2008, that left parts of Bihar devastated, MFAR was determined to help them to get back on their feet. MFAR constructions not only helped erect over 100 houses for those affected by this disaster, but also provided an opportunity for the victims with a form of employment in this critical juncture.
-Flood Relief Camps at Raichure.In 2009, when Raichure district in Karnataka was ravaged due to the heavy floods, the MFAR team, led by the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Zaffer Ali, and 10 paramedics set out to Raichure to help out the public. MFAR proudly offered a helping hand and supported the victims with the essential mediation, food, blankets and plastic mats.
MFAR’s core values of farsightedness, commitment, professionalism and a focus on people, have defined our engagement with communities. An Employee (Workforce) Engagement Program was carried out @ all project sites during Safety week celebrations from 5-10 th March, 2018.
- Sponsorship for Usha School of AthletesUsha School of Athletes, based in Kerala, is an institute dedicated to train and nurture potential athletes who are financially incapable of following their dreams. MFAR has sponsored one athlete for a period of 5 years.
-Labourers’ MelaMFAR has always looked into the welfare of each and every worker working on its various sites and it has come out with a novel and unique idea of organizing melas for its site workers. This is an effort on the part of the company to help its workers unwind and enjoy.
In compliance with the Act and to ensure funds spent on CSR Activities are creating the desired impact on the ground a comprehensive Monitoring and Reporting framework has been put in place. The CSR Committee shall monitor the implementation of the CSR Policy through periodic reviews of the CSR activities. The respective CSR personnel will present their annual budgets along with the list of approved CSR activities conducted by the Company to the CSR Committee together with the progress made from time to time as a part of the evaluation process under the monitoring mechanism.
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